_TSS group. Safety first products

Veiliger Wereld

Total Safety Solutions

In our work as firemen, safety is always our number one priority. A lot of things go well, but we definitely see areas for improvement. That's why in 2019 we, Jan Wijnans (l) and Ralf Adams (r), started Total Safety Solutions. Since then, we’ve been joined by many other experts in our field, but one aspect of our work has remained unchanged: the core business of Total Safety Solutions is to take our range of safety products to the next level. TSS innovates, collaborates, informs and delivers smart solutions. Because we have ONE GOAL: to ensure a higher level of safety!

Our collaboration began with a chat in the bar. We both worked in the fire service and shared our concerns about the dangerous conditions for emergency responders when an accident involving an electric vehicle occurred. And one thing led to another...

What followed was a process of searching for solutions, trying out ideas in the shed, talking to all sorts of people, organisations, manufacturers and agencies. And endless testing. But it was all going to be worth it. Total Safety Solutions has now marketed the solution, to prevent unpredictable vehicle behaviour in plug-in vehicles: the Emergency Plug®. 

In addition, we provide training courses for emergency responders regarding plug-in cars. But that's not all: more solutions are already on the horizon. Solutions that will make the world that little bit safer.

This is precisely why we prefer to take the safe route and get to the bottom of things first. Because to simply assume that everything has been dealt with would potentially create an unsafe situation. Only when we have a complete understanding of a problem can we come up with a solution. And this is where our technical background comes into play.

We were getting busier, and had several different processes to manage. This is why in 2022, we found a new partner: Eric Huyding. Eric has extensive technical experience in the Dutch and international market. Eric is responsible for all the processes within Total Safety Solutions and for setting up New Business. 

We feel that the knowledge we gain on our projects and have gained over the years can contribute towards increasing safety. This is why we don’t want to keep this expertise to ourselves and are happy to advise and support companies that have an idea that would to increase safety.

We love our work! This is also reflected in our  mission and vision and in our contact with customers. We prefer to talk in person because, when it comes to safety, everything is important. If you would like more information, or want to get to know us better, feel free to get in touch. Visit our contact page for details on how to contact us.

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